Unofficial Primary Election Results
The following tally may change as ballots that were mailed in are counted at the County Clerk’s Office. This is the Primary election. The 4 candidates that have the highest number of votes will be on the ballot for the General Election in November.
Nephi Laub 24 votes
Joanna Covington 47 votes
Wendy Allred 25 votes
Shannon Allred 44 votes
Andrew Aagard 65 votes
ELECTION SUMMARY 9/05/2023 10:27 p.m.
Important Election Dates for 2023
Candidate Filing Period is June 1 – 7, 2023 (excluding Saturday and Sunday)
Candidates must file in person with the city recorder between Thursday, June 1, 2023, through
Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at the Rocky Ridge Town office (weekend excluded).
Important Election Dates
September 5, 2023 Primary Election
If you have not received your ballot, you can contact the Juab County Office at 435-623-3430
The Ballot Drop-Box in Rocky Ridge is located in the Town Office or you can find a Ballot Box near you at
If mailing your Ballot, the deadline to postmark your ballot is September 4th, the day BEFORE Election
Day. If a voter returns their Ballot at a Post Office, they need to confirm that their Ballot will be
postmarked BEFORE September 5th – ELECTION DAY.
The State of Utah provides votes with disabilities accessible options to cast their Ballot. Information can
be found at
November 21, 2023 Municipal General Election
For more information click on the link below:
Registration Dates & Deadlines
Every election has certain deadlines for registration. Know what the specific dates and requirements are for your situation, so that you can be ready to cast your vote.
By Mail Registration Deadline
Voter registration forms must be postmarked at least 30 days before an election in order to be eligible to vote in the upcoming election.
In-Person & Online Registration Deadline
You may register online or in-person at your County Clerk’s Office up to 7 days before the election. You will not be eligible to participate in early voting, but you will be able to vote on election day.
Absentee Voting Information

How can I obtain an absentee ballot?
A separate absentee ballot application must be filled out for each election unless you become a permanent absentee voter. To become a permanent absentee voter, check “Yes” in the permanent absentee section of the application.
Request an absentee ballot
Request an absentee ballot using the online voter registration form or by completing an absentee ballot application form.
Ballot Application Deadlines and Submission Information
All completed absentee ballot application forms should be filed with the appropriate election officer [County Clerk’s Office] no later than the Thursday before election day. Military and overseas ballots will be mailed by 45 days before an election; all other by-mail ballots will be mailed 28 days before an election.
More Voting and Election Information can be found at