
Opening: Presiding: Mayor Ronald Allred Present from the Town Council: Ronald Allred, Shannon Allred, Lucy Gold, Forrest Lewis, and Dallin Mangels Present from the Town Staff: Bethany Sturgeon, Terry Allred, and Catherine Lummus Others Present: Steven Bunker, Melinda Matheson (Mona City Recreational Director) Invocation was given. Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. Visitor: Melinda Matheson is the Recreation Director for Mona, she is a coach at Juab High School, and she drives a school bus. She has a very soft spot for young people, and she came to let the Town Council know that she is interested in bringing recreational activities to Rocky Ridge for our youth. We could decide what we would like her to focus on and she would make it happen. She talked about the many different activities she has done at Mona (such as Ultimate Frisbee, day camps, softball, soccer, etc., and is very willing to do them for our youth here. The Town Council thanked her for her time, her initiative in coming to let us know that she is willing to volunteer her time for our children, and decided we should try a pilot program and see how things go. Approval of Minutes: Council Member Lucy Gold motioned to approve December’s minutes and Council Member Forrest Lewis seconded the motion; all others voted in favor. Unfinished Business: 1. There was a review of November and December’s monthly expenditures and no questions were asked. New Business: 1. Assistant CAO, Catherine Lummus went over the budget with the Council. She indicated that we might want to pay some of the water bond down as the New Well has been completed, and we still have monies that were donated for that cause. It was also noted that we received a $51,000 donation from the land owner for the Phase D project. 2. Cathy also reviewed the AUP report from Greg Ogden, CPA, with the Council members. 3. Utah State has implemented a new “Fraud Risk Assessment” that was supposed to be submitted back in the middle of the year but they sent no notifications out to the cities and towns of Utah. Cathy reviewed this with the Council. Rocky Ridge Town Monthly Meeting January 20, 2021 7:30 PM MLA Building 2 4. At last month’s meeting the Council had approved a Policy on Ethical Behavior with slight additions to it. Town Clerk, Bethany Sturgeon indicated to the Council that those minor changes had been made and she provided a copy of the same in their packets. All Town Council Members signed a certificate to commit to follow the Policy on Ethical Behavior. These certificates were prepared for and provided as part of the Fraud Risk Assessment. 5. Mayor, Ronald Allred, signed a letter appointing Charles N. Todd to the Juab Fire District Board with approval of the Council Members. 6. Bethany talked to the Council Members about an email she had received about solar permits. She was directed to have Andrew Allred take charge of the response to the company in question. 7. Mayor Allred opened the meeting up for a Public Hearing regarding the draft Plan that Planning & Zoning had recommended the Town adopt. After much discussion Council Member Dallin Mangels indicated he felt a correction should be applied to the Plan. That being “Any language about the current Zoning Map that makes reference to the Civic Zone needs to be eliminated from the current Zoning Map.” Council Member Forrest Lewis then motioned that the Plan be adopted with the changes suggested by Dallin Mangels. Council Member Lucy Gold seconded the motion, and a roll call was taken: Aye Nay Absent Abstain Mayor Ronald Allred X _ Shannon Allred X Lucy Gold X Forrest Lewis X Dallin Mangels X Departments: 1. EMS/CERT: CERT: Council Member Lucy Gold indicated that members needed to renew their certificates. She has planned a training for this purpose. The dates for that will be January 29th and 30th and February 5th and 6th. She has also lowered the age for volunteers to 15. EMS: (1) Casey Reynolds indicated we have not had a lot of expenditures this year because of conferences and trainings being cancelled; (2) Casey would like the Town Council to be thinking in terms of the EMS department purchasing a new vehicle before long as ours is getting quite old; (3) Juab County has lowered some of their restrictions so that our Town having an ambulance would be more acceptable to us. However, there still is not the participation or commitment we need from the EMTs to do so. 2. Water: Casey brought a spreadsheet to share with the Council Members about our water usage and rates, and indicated that we need to be looking at conservation efforts. Council Rocky Ridge Town Monthly Meeting January 20, 2021 7:30 PM MLA Building 3 Member Forrest Lewis questioned whether we could look at individual home usage and charge those that consistently have overages. 3. Road: No update 4. P & Z: No update 5. Admin: Bethany indicated to the Council that we had received a donation from Quality Craft for $100,000 to be earmarked for paving East Ridge and Mountain Ridge roads. She also indicated that there had been a donation of $15,000 from Precision Welding given back in November for the sidewalk project that she had not been made aware of when reporting to the Council last month. We are only in need of approximately $1,500. Council Member Forrest Lewis indicated that his company would donate that amount so we could be ready to have the sidewalk done in the spring. The Council Members thanked him for his generosity to this cause as his company had already donated $10,000. 6. Park: No update 7. Library: No update Citizen Items: (1) The issue of changing the street names came up again. Mayor Allred asked Bethany to put this matter on the February agenda for reconsideration. Forrest will look into the situation more this month to be prepared for February’s meeting; (2) discussion was had about multi-unit meters and the amount of water fees being higher for the same. Terry Allred was asked to look into this. Town Council Items: None Adjournment: Council Member Lucy Gold moved to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Shannon Allred seconded the motion, all others voted in favor, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. /s/ Bethany Sturgeon _____________________ Approved by Town Clerk

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